Big Changes Are Coming to GED Testing. How Can Public Libraries Help?

In January 2014, GED Testing Service will be launching a new GED® test and this new test will only be offered on computer. The new test will use technology to better measure the skills that adults need to be successful in college and the workforce. GED® testing on computer also allows test-takers to take advantage of a host of benefits on computer, including online registration and scheduling, instant score reports and a more flexible testing experience. In fact, 42 states now offer the current GED® test on computer as an option, and test-takers using the new computer system are passing at higher rates, finishing faster, and retake failed test at much higher rates.
A new test also means that more than two million adults will see their partial GED® test scores expire if they don’t complete and pass all five subject tests by the time the new test is released on January 1, 2014. Since public libraries have long been an important resource for GED® test-takers, and a significant touch point for communities, we wanted to share some of the most important opportunities for libraries to ensure patrons have new GED® testing information and to provide support to adult learners. We’ve also created a webpage specifically for public libraries and librarians with this and other resources.
Provide Computers and Other Resources to Test-takers
Many states are offering the current GED® test on computer, and starting in 2014 the test will only be offered on computer. As a key community resource, public libraries have the opportunity to help test-takers without a computer at home get prepared to take the GED® test. GED Testing Service has created a free tutorial for test-takers to use to become familiar with taking a test on computer. Public libraries can easily make this tutorial available on their computers.
Download the tutorial for GED® testing on computer:
Spread the Word that Partial 2002 GED® Test Scores Will Expire
With the introduction of the new GED® test in 2014, GED Testing Service will retire the 2002 Series test at the end of the year. Test-takers who have not completed all five tests will need to finish up by the end of the year or their scores will expire. Libraries can help get the word out about our “closeout campaign”. Librarians can go online to download materials to display in their libraries, and find talking points to better share information with patrons.
Download and Print posters:
Become a GED® Testing Center
With the move to GED® testing on computer, some public libraries might want to consider becoming an official GED® testing center. Many libraries might not have the demand to offer this service or be configured properly for it, but we have already approved our first library testing center earlier this year in Oregon and we expect others to come online shortly.
For information about becoming a GED® testing center:
All of this information and more can be found at GED Testing Service’s webpages designed specifically for public libraries and librarians:
Tags: GED Testing