Don’t Miss These Must-Reads!
Remember the last time you read a book so good you wanted to tell the whole world about it? Now there’s a great new way to do just that—with LibraryReads, a nationwide, monthly “library staff picks” list of ten newly released must-reads.
How can you be a part of it?
Staff working in U.S. public libraries across the country nominate pre-publication adult titles, and the ten titles with the most nominations make the list, which is then published and promoted in libraries and the publishing industry. If you work in a U.S. public library, you may participate—you don’t have to have a library degree. Since each LibraryReads list is made up of books newly published that month, you’ll need to find pre-pub books and then nominate them a month before the next LibraryReads list comes out. Nomination deadlines are the first of each month and are listed here.
How you can get advance copies of books:
- Giveaways at conferences & shows: Visit publisher booths at BEA, ALA, and state library association shows.
- Digital reading copies: Don’t worry if you don’t travel! Edelweiss and NetGalley are fantastic online communities where publishers offer free advance copies to public librarians.
- Library Marketing departments: Many publishers have staff devoted to library outreach – these are great people to contact when there is a specific book you want. EarlyWord has an excellent list of marketing contacts and information here.
- Publishing newsletters and blogs: Reading copies are frequently offered via industry email newsletters and blogs (which have no subscription costs) – plus it’s a great way to stay on top of publishing trends.
How do you nominate a book?
If you are already registered as a public librarian on Edelweiss than you are already a LibraryReads librarian.If you are not an Edelweiss user, please register using the Organization type “Library-Public” to join the LibraryReads community. Once you’re logged in, click on “Your Review” to submit a brief summary of the book and why you like it. Make sure you choose “Submit to Library Reads” when you save the review! Your nomination may be featured next month!
Tags: libraryreads