EveryLibrary to Launch “The Political Librarian”

On September 5th, EveryLibrary will launch “The Political Librarian,” an online journal that will encourage research, discussion, and exploration into “advocacy, policy, and funding issues” for all types of libraries. The journal’s editors seek to broaden understanding and civic awareness about local government’s taxes and authority relating to libraries. Researchers, library practitioners, and anonymous writers may submit polemics, white papers, and peer-reviewed articles. Stay tuned to everylibrary.org for questions and discussion topics to build content for the first issue; original ideas and lines of inquiry are also encouraged.
“The Political Librarian” is slated to be EveryLibrary’s venue and platform for the advocacy work they do. Their motto is “Any library initiative anywhere matters to every library everywhere.” EveryLibrary trains, coaches, and consults library stakeholders and supporters to increase civic awareness to win campaigns and funding at the local level for libraries.They offer campaign advising, training, keynote speakers, and Rapid Response funding to help libraries in crisis gain grassroots community support. EveryLibrary is a donor-supported, nonprofit Political Action Committee that focuses on local library ballot initiatives. “The Political Librarian” launch date will mark EveryLibrary’s third anniversary as a national political action committee dedicated to libraries.
Tags: advocacy, Library Advocacy, library ballot initiatives, politics