PLA Member Spotlight: ALA Annual Conference 2024

The ALA Annual Conference will take place this year during June 27–July 2, 2024 in San Diego, CA. PLA will host 16 top-quality educational programs on public library topics at #ALAAC24. We can’t wait to hear from PLA members and public library workers on topics ranging from the results of PLA’s Technology Survey to building homeschooling resources at the public library. Read below about a PLA member who is a presenter for the program “Safety and Security in Public Libraries: Strategies and Resources to Help” taking place on Sunday, June 30, at 1:00pm-2:00pm PT.
Pilar Martinez is the CEO of the Edmonton Public Library (Edmonton, Alberta), and chair of the Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC) Safety and Security Working Group.
“We are passionate about the topic of safety and security in public libraries because it directly impacts the well-being of both staff and customers. As community hubs, libraries play a crucial role in reducing barriers and providing access to resources that can help address underlying societal issues. We believe that by sharing our experiences and collaborating with other libraries, we can develop stronger solutions and create safer environments for all visitors.
“At the American Library Association conference, we are looking forward to discussing the results of the Canadian Urban Libraries Council’s working group and sharing the toolkit of best practices developed to address safety and security challenges. We are excited to learn from other participants and gain valuable insights and strategies that can be implemented in our own libraries. We are also eager to engage in discussions about how to effectively communicate safety and security challenges with partners and decision-makers to garner support and resources.”
View the full list of PLA programs taking place at the ALA Annual Conference here.
Tags: 2024 ALA Annual Conference, member spotlight, membership, PLA members