Posts Tagged ‘Barack Obama’

“You Don’t Know How Many People Are In Your Corner Until You Remove Yourself Out Of Your Own Way” – Deesha Dyer On Taking Risks and Tackling Imposter Syndrome
In her candid and vulnerable memoir, Undiplomatic, Deesha Dyer shares stories from her extraordinary life, whether it’s flying on Air Force One or a memorable job interview with Michelle Obama. Dyer was a thirty-one-year-old community college student in Philadelphia when she applied for an internship at the White House. Dyer knew she was an unconventional candidate, but she quickly proved herself to be an invaluable member of the team in the Office of Scheduling and Advance. Following her internship, Dyer was hired to work full time in the same office. She earned a series of promotions, and was ultimately appointed to serve as the White House Social Secretary for the final two years of the Obama administration. In that role, Deesha oversaw all official and personal social events given by President Obama and his family. Her tenure included what observers at the time called a “diplomatic trifecta”: a visit from Pope Francis, a state visit by President Xi Jinping of China, and the President’s reception for the UN General Assembly, all taking place within the span of a week. Dyer has remained similarly active since her time at the White House, serving as a Resident Fellow for the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics and founding Hook and Fasten, a social impact firm. More than a political memoir, Undiplomatic serves as a clarion call to eradicate imposter syndrome, as Dyer vulnerably shares her lifelong struggle with self-doubt, how it haunted her at various points in her career, and the step she took to confront it.