Posts Tagged ‘cartooning’

Asher Perlman On Obsessive Ruminating, Getting Personal, And Drawing Hands
Emmy Award nominee Asher Perlman has been writing for late-night television for nearly a decade, first with The Opposition With Jordan Klepper and more recently with Late Night With Stephen Colbert. Yet since 2020, he’s emerged as a wildly popular cartoonist, both with his cartoons that regularly get published in The New Yorker as well as his Instagram account. With Well, This Is Me, Perlman has released his first compilation, not only full of fan favorites but also packed with never-before-seen cartoons. Early reaction has been ecstatic. Ben Stiller said “Asher Perlman’s cartoons are the kind of funny that makes you question what it is to be a person, but in a good way” and Judd Apatow called the collection “insightful, human, hilarious.” Perlman spoke with us about cartooning, getting personal with his compilation, and the perils of drawing hands.