Celebrate National Library Week

Libraries around the country will celebrate National Library Week April 14-20, 2013. The theme is “Communities Matter @ Your Library” and Caroline Kennedy is the honorary chair. National Library Week was first sponsored by the American Library Association in 1958 to encourage people to support and use libraries.
Here is a sample of how public libraries will celebrate this year:
- Johnson County Library System in Overland, Kansas sponsored a bookmark design contest for all ages, and winners will be announced during National Library Week. Winners will each receive a gift certificate from the Friends of the Library, and their bookmarks will be distributed at each library in the system.
- Delta Township District Library in Lansing, Michigan has a variety of events planned including an Open House. There will be kids’ activities, live music, a Local Author Fair, Tech Petting Zoo and more.
- Sioux Center Public Library in Sioux Center, Iowa has a busy week planned with amnesty for fines when books are returned, free replacement cards, trivia contests, author events, and a name the hamster contest.
- Hoboken Public Library in Hoboken, New Jersey will offer a “Spring Fling” music event for all ages.
- Libraries in Hawaii will offer a variety of music and storytelling events throughout the month featuring a Celtic harp player and slack key guitarists.
- Onondaga County Public Library in Syracuse, New York is sponsoring a library puzzler. Patrons can find clues in the library to solve a mystery and win prizes.
- Glenview Public Library in Glenview, Illinois will accept food for fines and celebrate with a patron appreciation reception.
- Sunnyvale Public Library in Sunnyvale, California is sponsoring a Picture It! photo contest where patrons submit photos that show how they love their library.
- North Webster Community Public Library in North Webster, Indiana is hosting a free evening of food, fun, friends & prizes. A guest speaker will be an Iditarod sled dog musher and her sled dog.
- Traverse Area District Library in Traverse City, Michigan will host a silent auction of five, one of a kind, Little Free Libraries.
How will you celebrate National Library Week this year? For more information and ideas, visit: ala.org/nlw.
Tags: National Library Week