Does Your Library’s Fundraising or Friends Program Need A Reboot?

In these days of tighter budgets, public libraries are reaching out more than ever to their communities for support and are relying on creative ways to fund raise and strengthen development activities. Join PLA and instructors Peter Pearson and Sue Hall from Library Strategies and The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library for a three-part webinar series tackling the many sides of development and fundraising—from understanding the differences between Friends and foundations to knowing where to start with a strategic development plan. Register for the entire series or for individual webinars. Go here for more information.
· Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Webinar 1: Fundraising 101
· Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Webinar 2: Friends & Foundations: What They Do and How to Make the Most of Them
· Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Webinar 3: It’s All in the Planning: Getting Started on Strategic and Development Plans
To register for the series with a credit card, click here to begin the online registration process. To register for the series with a purchase order or by mail, click here to download the registration form (PDF, 1 pg.). Full series registration includes one-year’s access to archived recordings of each webinar, whether or not you’ve attended the live event.
More information email or call 800-545-2433 ext. 5PLA (5752)
Tags: Fundraising 101, Library Friends Groups, Library Fundraising, raise money for libraries