Community Connections

I don’t know if you are like me, but it took me awhile to remember to always carry my library business cards. Maybe for some, you excitedly put the cards in your wallet, eager to share them with the world. For me, the box they arrived in sat idly on my desk for a couple of weeks before it started to become part of the background. Now I never leave the library without a handful of cards, and I am ready to order a new box. As public librarians, we know there are many people who simply do not realize the amount of resources local libraries have available; it’s so important to get the message out to the community. In this post, I am going to share some of the ways that I have been connecting with local job seekers and businesspersons.
- Get involved with the Chamber of Commerce: Since the former Business Services Liaison had served on a committee for local female business owners, I happily took over that role. Networking with women on the committee, as well as attending networking events through the Chamber of Commerce, has been very useful. Additionally, I attend weekly Lunch and Learn programs to present business resources at the library.
- Teach a class at the local Career Center twice a month: This has been a great opportunity to share library resources for job seekers, particularly those who are looking for new databases other than the Monster and Indeed search engines. I focus on the library databases that are beneficial to further job search.
- Connect with local businesses: We provide business library cards to local businesses that give them access to material, databases, and media equipment. We also offer video services to local businesses. The businesses I reach out to typically pass the word along to their fellow business owners in the community, which is extremely helpful.
- Advertising in the library newsletter: As the new Business Services Liaison, I included a message in the upcoming newsletter that introduced myself and included my contact information. I made it clear that I was available for appointments and to assist in business and job seeker research.
In each of these scenarios, I have been truly amazed by the responses from both job seekers and business owners alike. I have received numerous business cards and passed out just as many. The return rate of people contacting me has been pretty solid so far—I am eager to see it grow in the future. What do you do to connect with the community? Please share your tips in the comment section!