Make Sure Your Library is Counted! PLDS Statistical Report Survey Opens

We invite you to be a part of the FY2014 Public Library Data Service (PLDS) Statistical Report made available by the Public Library Association. Each year, this report captures valuable data on staffing, operating finances, output measures, interlibrary loans, and technology provisions, from public libraries throughout the U.S. and Canada. Make sure your library is represented by completing the PLDS Statistical Report survey!
The Public Library Association’s (PLA) annual PLDS survey opens on January 12, 2015 and the survey will close on March 31, 2015. Invitations via email, will be sent starting on Monday, January 12. If you d0 not receive an email from, and wish to participate please contact us at
The value of the survey data is enhanced by the participation of all libraries, and the PLA requests your assistance in this endeavor. Participants will have special access to the summary reports and discounts on access to the complete reports, later in the year (typically by June of 2015). This year’s survey includes a special section related to the work being done by the PLA Performance Measures Task Force (PMTF).
Thanks in advance for your support of PLA’s data collection efforts on behalf of North America’s public libraries.
Tags: plds statistical report