Cyberbullying and the Public Librarian – PLA Webinar

Cyberbullying is a form of online violence affecting many teens and adults. And while the phenomenon has been discussed frequently in the popular media, it is still a misunderstood issue. During this PLA webinar, the presenter will provide a basic overview of cyberbullying, and detail the impact of cyberbullying on victims, as well as current trends in cyberbullying. In addition, the presenter will cover legal and ethical considerations, and provide tips for how librarians can help. At the conclusion of this webinar attendees will be able to:
- Articulate a definition for cyberbullying;
- Identify information, resources, and community organizations that can help library staff support cyberbullied teens and adults; and
- Develop a beginning action plan for their libraries to legally and ethically respond to cyberbullied patrons in need.
Presenter –Abigail Phillips is a third-year doctoral candidate in the School of Information at Florida State University. Before entering the PhD program, Abigail worked as a public librarian in a small, rural library system in Southwest Georgia. She is currently working on her dissertation, which focuses on public and school librarians as a source of support for cyberbullied young adults. Her research interests include social media, cyberbullying, young adults, information behaviors, digital literacy, librarianship, and public libraries.
Date & Time — Wednesday, May 6, 2015 1:00–2:00 PM Central
Get more information and register here.
Tags: cyberbullying, cyberbullying action plan, libraries and cyberbullying