Review — Riot of Storm and Smoke (Threats of Sky and Sea Series, Vol. 2) By Jennifer Ellision

Title: Riot of Storm and Smoke (Threats of Sky and Sea Series, Vol. 2)
Author : Jennifer Ellison
Publisher : Create Space Independent Publishing ISBN9781515288152: $13.99
Digital: Kindle Amazon Digital Service ASINBO119VS9CO: $3.99
Author Jennifer Ellision, proves to be a rising New Adult talent, in producing the readable dark fantasy, Riot of Storm and Smoke. Released August 17th, the second volume in her Threats of Sky and Sea trilogy incorporates definitive genre characteristics. Supernatural elements, characters engaged in epic battle, and imagined kingdoms of Egrian and Nereidium serve to achieve a final chapter that leaves readers awaiting book three.
In Riot of Storm and Smoke, political alliances are forged between a menagerie of nobles, acquaintances, commoners and family connections to gain advantage over dangerous tyrants threatening war. The enlarged cast deploys weaponry including sorcerers, aliases, protective amulets, and disguises in a quest to safety. Ellison creates medieval-like kingdoms featuring musty hidden dungeons, filthy taverns of poison, and torture devices similar to those of that time period. Readers will encounter underhanded trickery among bandits, informants, friends, thieves, and enemies escaping to refuge and hopes of proper ascension to throne. Tension escalates during the course of the brooding dystopian novel, while protagonists Bree, heiress to Nereidium, and Caden, an Egrian prince, advance the plot and secondary characters flee murderous kings and cohorts.
Recommended if you enjoy generous doses of horror, fantasy realms, and dashes of unexplored romance.
Tags: Author Jennifer Ellison, independently published, Riot of Storm and Smoke (Threats of Sky and Sea Series, Vol. 2)