New FYI Podcast – Revitalizing a Spanish Beginning Readers Collection (Bienvenidos a la lectura – Multnomah County Library)

Thank you to our sponsors for this podcast, Creativebug.
In this episode we’ll hear about a successful project to revitalize the Spanish Beginning Readers Collection at the Multnomah County (Portland) Library System. The project, “Bienvenidos a la lectura” which included developing a culturally responsive collection and themed “bolsitas” (bags) of books for patrons, was designed to better serve the needs of the Latine community. In this interview, we discuss the project’s development, implementation, and impact on the community, as well as strategies for creating culturally specific programs and services in libraries
Reading Levels for Books
Libros para lectores principiantes (Books for Beginning Readers) – YouTube playlist
Blogpost – Niveles de lectura de libros para lectores principiantes:
Tags: bienvenidosalalectura, spanishbeginningreaderscollection