Rachel Stevenson Author Archive
Email: rstevenson@eriecountypa.gov
Rachel Stevenson received her MLIS from the University of Pittsburgh and a MAAA from Goucher College. She currently works as the programming librarian in a library serving urban and rural populations NW Pennsylvania. Although she focuses on all types of programs her specialties are grants, arts, job/career, literature, entrepreneurship, and nonprofits. In 2017, her Get that Grant Boot Camp program had her library featured as Candid.'s Foundation Information Network (FIN) of the month. She is the retired bibliotherapist for Lois Alter Mark and has had her book recommendations featured with Mark in Midlife at the Oasis, Forbes.com, and the Huffington Post. She has also written for the blog RAforAll. She is happy to join the Public Libraries Online team to share her knowledge.

Make Your Library ADA Friendly, Not Just ADA Compliant
Having an ADA compliant library is necessary by law, but you can go above the ADA requirements to become an ADA friendly library and better help your patrons with different abilities.