PL Theme Issue to Focus on Diversity

The January/February 2016 issue of Public Libraries will focus on diversity as it relates to public libraries, public library services and collections, and public librarians. We’re looking for feature articles and shorter opinion pieces on that subject. Take advantage of this opportunity to share your ideas or programming, your library’s successes, or your knowledge on the topic with colleagues across the country. Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
- The Diverse Needs of Public Libraries
- Cultural Literacy – Ability to understand one’s own culture and the culture of others
- Recruiting Diverse Public Librarians
- Collection Development for Serving Diverse Populations/Communities
- Experiences in the Profession (Are we as accepting as we think we are?)
- LGBT Programming/LGBT Teen Services
- Serving Patrons with Disabilities
- Creating a Diverse Collection Overall (Children/Adults/Everyone)
Feature articles are generally 2500-5000 words and Verso columns (opinion pieces) are 1500 words. For this special issue, we will select three feature articles and two opinion pieces. The deadline for receipt of all articles is December 21, 2015. All submissions will go through a peer-review process. More information about writing for PL can be found here. Please submit articles via our article submission system. Please let me know as soon as possible if you will be submitting an article, or please feel free to contact me with questions or queries ( Kathleen Hughes, Editor, “Public Libraries”
Tags: diverse books, diverse collections, public libraries and diversity, Public Libraries magazine, serving diverse patrons, underserved populations