Article on RA Services to the Grieving Wins First Place in PL Contest

The Public Libraries Feature Article Contest provides cash prizes to the authors of the best feature articles written by public librarians (or public library workers) and published in the previous volume year of Public Libraries magazine.
Congratulations to our first place winner ($500) Nicolette Warisse Sosulski, for her article “Excuse Me, Is There a Loss Section? Readers Advisory to the Grieving and Bereaved.” The Public Libraries Advisory Committee selected Sosulski’s article from among 11 articles written by a public librarian or public library worker and published in the 2017 volume year.
Five further articles were selected to be put to a Facebook ‘Readers Choice” vote, for an “Honorable Mention” award ($300). Go here to cast your vote for the Honorable Mention winner. Voting ends Friday, June 1, 2018.
Tags: First place PLA Award, Nicolette Warisse Sosulski, Public Libraries Article Contest, Public Libraries magazine, Readers Advisory to the Bereaved