New FYI Episode – Let’s Talk Race with Richland (SC) Public Library

“Let’s Talk Race” emerged at the Richland (SC) Public Library as a response to the tragic events of 2015, including the murders of Walter Scott and the Charleston Emmanuel AME Church shooting. In the wake of these incidents, South Carolinians faced a mix of emotions—anger, confusion, and fear. Seeking ways to heal, the library took a proactive approach, launching small dialogue circles that offered a safe space for conversations about race. Since then, RPL has orchestrated over 250 events and community discussions, engaging more than 4,000 participants. The impact of these conversations rippled beyond the library’s confines, prompting the creation of a free curriculum intended for use by libraries and groups across the nation.
In this episode, our guests are Tamara King, Chief Equity and Engagement Officer, and Heather McCue, Children’s and Teens Services Manager at Richland Public Library. We’ll look at the roots and expansion of “Let’s Talk Race,” delve into the transformative influence of dialogue, its capacity to ignite change, nurture empathy, and foster unity within communities, and share how libraries can join this important initiative.
Tune in to glean insights into the profound potential of dialogue, as we navigate the journey of “Let’s Talk Race.”