Matthew Gunby Author Archive
Email: Twitter: @MatthewGunby
Hi, I am Matthew Gunby, a master\'s student in Library and Information Science program at Syracuse University. I have taken several courses on innovative uses of public libraries. My major areas of interest are the usage of public spaces, collaborative efforts with non-profits, and non-traditional education. My only working experience in a library was as an intern in the local history collections at the Conway Public Library in New Hampshire. I have attended two library conferences, PLA 2012 and NYLA 2012, participating in an unconference at the former and making a Pecha Kucha presentation in the latter. I am currently working to create an unconference in Syracuse, and I also blog for Infospace at Syracuse University.

Library of Things Shapes Dialogue on Library Collections
For many years, libraries have been primarily associated with books. What might be considered an extreme case of this is the Sacramento Public Library’s recent initiative to create a Library of Things.