A Publication of the Public Library Association Public Libraries Online

Suzanne LaPierre Author Archive

Email: summerslapierre@gmail.com   Website: LinkedIn   Twitter: @Bookmouser

Suzanne S. LaPierre is a Virginiana Specialist Librarian for Fairfax County Public Library in Virginia. She has worked in public library information services for over fifteen years, in addition to prior experience in museums, archives, and special collections. She is a columnist for Public Libraries Magazine and co-author of the book Desegregation of Libraries in Northern Virginia, soon to be published by The History Press.

Three half circles spooned inside each other first pink, then purple, then blue next to the words pla 2024 conference in black

Highlights from PLA2024

Author signings, ARCS (advanced reader copies), words of wisdom, therapy dogs, swag, and a rabbit- what could be better? Everyone who attended the 2024 Public Library Association conference in Columbus, Ohio will have different highlights to share. I attended all three days and had a fantastic time.